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Medical emergencies can, and often do, happen outside of normal business hours. At Coastal Elite we work diligently to make sure you have access to the best 24/7 emergency care because when your horse is in distress, they need help fast. Whether showing signs of a systemic problem, like colic, or a localized problem, like a wound, rapid assistance is crucial to ensuring the best possible outcome for your companion. We understand emergencies can be stressful, we aim to provide prompt, compassionate care for both you and your animal. We offer stall-side care, and on-site surgery. When in doubt, call us!
The prevention of health issues is the key to keeping your animals healthy. In veterinary medicine, we are geared toward prevention of diseases. It is easier to prevent than to treat after it is too late. Part of the annual examination should include an oral exam with any maintenance dental work that may need to be performed. At CEVS we pride ourselves on our routine dentistry knowledge, catered to your horses specific needs.
A fully encompassing preventative medicine program should include a physical exam, oral exam, parasite control program, annual immunizations, Coggins (EIA) testing, and screening blood work panels. Ask one of CEVS vets today if your pet is being fully protected from potential disease.

Vaccinations are the number one way you can protect your horse from deadly infectious diseases. While there are many equine vaccines available, not every horse requires the same series or frequency of vaccines. At CEVS we work with you to customize a protocol that is best fit for your horses specific needs.
Encephalitis (Eastern and Western)
West Nile Virus
Influenza (flu)
Rhinopneumonitis (rhino)
Potomac Horse Fever
*We also provide immunizations for goats, sheep, cows, and pigs. Ask our vets how to protect your non-equine companions.
Equine Oral Exams
Horses of all ages depend on the ability to chew. If food is not properly chewed, it is not digested efficiently, which can lead to chronic colic, choke, weight loss, and nutritional deficiencies. Regular, preventative, oral care prolongs the life of the horse’s teeth (and therefore the horse) by recognizing and treating abnormalities early on, before they become a problem.
Horses can be expensive to own and maintain. Protect your investment and your horse's health with comprehensive wellness care.
We recommend a fecal egg count at least once per year to identify those horses that may have developed resistance to dewormers. By targeting only those horses that need to be dewormed, we can reduce deworming frequency, thereby reducing parasite resistance. Deworming programs will be tailored to your horses situation, with management advice to help you properly care for your horses.

Prevention includes both wellness and sick visits. Coastal Elite prides ourselves on having the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality services. With these diagnostic tools we are able to not only detect and diagnose a potential problem, but also track an existing one. This gives our team the opportunity to provide expert medial care for any disease or medical condition that arises.
Digital Radiography
To provide you the highest-quality veterinary care for your animal, CEVS has invested in state-of-the-art digital X-ray machines that are readily available on every ambulatory truck to provide stall-side images.
An endoscope is a small flexible fiber optic camera that allows the veterinarian to have direct visualization of internal structures in the horse and is a key tool in the diagnosis of many upper airway conditions.
Ultrasound is a valuable imaging tool used to examine soft tissue structures that do not image well on radiographs. The most common uses are to visualize tendons, ligaments, and reproductive structures.
In-house blood work: Complete Blood Count (CBC), blood chemistry, fibrinogen, pack cell volume (PCV), & total solids.
Stall side tests: Serum Amyloid A (SAA) & lactate.
Other advanced panels are sent out daily to local labs.
This is a routine test used to diagnose internal parasites or "worms." A fecal egg count measures the number of strongyle eggs your horse is passing in each gram of his manure. The test detects the eggs of mature parasites that live inside the body and pass their eggs to the outside by shedding them into the host's stool. Coastal Elite provides the service of in-house fecal examinations by our own parasitologist as well as external lab services for specialized reports.
Fecal occult blood refers to a test that is done on feces to detect bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract due to either fore or hind gut ulceration.
In addition to listening to your horse's abdomen with a stethoscope, a sand test can be performed in the office, or stall side. This is commonly performed when a horse experiences abdominal pain (colic), and the presence of sand in the colon, i.e. “sand colic” is suspected. Sand accumulation is a problem in areas where the soil consists of larger particles, true sand versus fine loam or dirt.
A pre-purchase exam is an important procedure that is recommended to be done on all prospect purchases, to help identify any preexisting conditions that may hinder their future performance. This exam begins with a microchip screening, photographs of the horse in question, and a blood draw (blood is held for 7 days after the exam, incase the buyer decides to run any additional tests). Then begins an extensive physical examination listening to the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal sounds, temperature measurment, and examining both eyes and the oral cavity. This is followed up with lameness and neurological evaluation to determine the horse's soundness. In addition, based on the exam results, the veterinarians will recommend any necessary radiographs as well as blood work to be performed (screening panels such as CBC/Chemistry, ACTH, Drug screening, etc.).

In addition to properly feeding and exercising your horse, other aspects of general care are needed to keep your horses healthy throughout their lives. CEVS veterinarians are always available to discuss strategies aimed towards improving your animal's overall health and quality of life.
Stem Cell Therapy (CEVS now offers stall side Pro-Stride)
Therapeutic Joint and Tendon Sheath Injections
Shockwave Therapy
Internal Medicine
Lameness evaluation
Neurologic examination and testing
Respiratory disease evaluation
Dermatologic conditions
Coastal Elite veterinarians offer stall side surgeries such as routine castrations, laceration repair, mass removals, among others.
CEVS also offers goat, sheep, and cow castrations, goat and cow horn removal, & potbelly pig tusk and hoof trims.
Equine Acupuncture & Chiropractics
Acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments help manage chronic pain associated with musculoskeletal problems, such as back injuries, although it can also be used in management for other conditions such as laminitis or neuropathies.